The analysis of field research, the assembly of a new choreography or rehearsal of the already established ones, the permanent courses in theatricalization, body expression, interrelation and self-motivation, require a physical space that we call «REHEARSAL WORKSHOP». There not only do our dancers receive classes but it is also a learning space where solidarity and a high spirit of fraternity are evident among dancers, choreographers, directors, technicians and apprentices.

But our commitment goes even further, we also have a Training and Training School, we give courses, talks and seminars to young people from other dance groups, artists from other specialties and interested people on topics such as: Introduction to the Science of Folklore, Research of Field, Rhythms and Traditional Dances of Ecuador, Stage Makeup, Body Expression and Stage Performance, with our instructors who teach classes in prestigious middle and higher level institutions where aesthetic culture is part of the regular curriculum of studies.

Would you like to dance with us?

Phone: (593 2) 234 8407 / 09 999 28818

Quito – Ecuador